The core of mans’ spirit comes from new experiences - Into the Wild (2007)

Hi there.

I’m Anjjan and I work in the space of cloud computing. I like to solve technical problems that involves design, evolution, analysis and implementation. I am intersted in systems that maintain cloud services. Currently I work in the field of high performance telemetry ingestion and query functionality.

I have a soft corner for LINUX! During my free time I boot up my old laptop with different linux operating systems and try to play around with them.

This website was based on my experiments with creating new systems and help me improve my writing. I am looking forward to writing about some of my life experiences, ideas, programming and anything that I think is worth putting up in my little corner of Internet.

I am also an avid Chelsea FC supporter. I follow the club games, participate in Reddit discussions and also sometimes write about the club/football online.

Here’s the link to my GitHub profile.

If you find me and my work interesting and you want to talk to me about it, check out my LinkedIn profile.

If you’d like to connect, feel free to get in touch.


  • String sorting on multi and many-threaded architectures: A comparative study- B Neelima;Anjjan S Narayan;Rithesh G Prabhu 2014 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Applications (ICHPCA)
  • Yet another proposal for all pair shortest path on GPU - B. Neelima;Rithesh G Prabhu;Anjjan S Narayan 2014 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Applications (ICHPCA)

IEEE Profile


To write this website, I mainly used Sublime Text for editing. The website is compiled using Hugo - A static site generator framework written in Go.

This website is published on Github using Git. All the code for this website is freely available.